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Legacy of Jim Elliot and the Five Martyrs


After the death of the five men – Jim Elliot, Peter Fleming, Edward McCully, Roger Youderian, Nathaniel Saint – in the jungle of Ecuador Life Magazine wrote an in depth article about their journey and the continuation of their missions through their wives.  The article was written twelve days after their deaths on January 20th, 1956.  The magazine was able to get a hold of the journals written by the missionaries.  What is surprising is that up to, and including, the last journal written there is a very positive feeling surrounding all of the missionaries about their slow progress with the Huaorani (Auca) Indians. The Life article portrays their journey as a positive experience and as something that spurred the continuation of missionary work in Ecuador. Steve Saint, the son of the martyred Nate Saint, continued his father’s mission and was living among the Huaorani Indians just a few years ago. He has since become very integral to their society as he is helping them build an airport and a hospital.  He has talked to the specific individuals that killed his father and has reported on their behalf.  He says that although he would’ve liked to know his father, he understands why he did it and it is the reason that he is continuing his journey.


Front page of the Life Magazine volume that told the tragic story of the five missionaries. 

The five brave missionaries.  

From left to right: Roger Youderian, Pete Fleming, Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully

Popular car in the 1950s, to put the time into context.

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